Lacey Antholz Donner Dentists PC

3445 O St, Lincoln, NE 68510, USA

About Lacey Antholz Donner Dentists PC

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    Michael b
    March 15, 2024

    Had Dr. Lacy for over 30 years and never any issues. After he retired Antholz took over my dental care. For the first time my dental insurance denied his claim twice for crown prep. I ended up going to an oral surgeon and had to have tooth extracted and implant done. I go to a very good dentist now that care about me and not just the money.

    Christy Pierce
    April 04, 2018

    I love this place. They are kind and professional. And the place is beautiful inside. 😊 The room is so comforting inside with the wood tilted ceilings. It makes it so peaceful. 😊 And thanks to Barb for taking such good care of me! She made sure I was comfortable and wasn't the kind to get irritated with having to stop and rest my jaw from time to time like other dentist offices I've experienced before. Lol No complaints at all!

    Michelle Ackerman
    June 16, 2021

    After being disenfranchised with other dentists for many years and actually forgoing dental visits for about 5 years because of it, I tried Dr. Lacey in 2019 at the referral of my mom. I know dental visits are super important, but my previous two dentists had me pushing off visits for awhile. My great, long time dentist had retired and finding a good replacement has been difficult and a journey to say the least. One of the dental visits several years prior to Dr. Lacey told me I had 9, yes NINE! cavities that had to be filled and that they wouldn't fill them until I went through a deep cleaning that would cost around $700 out of pocket on top of the fillings; which insurance only pays part of. They wouldn't give me a basic cleaning like I went in for because I "needed the deep cleaning". I had just been to the dentist the year before and everything was great so I was shocked. Needless to say, I knew something wasn't right and didn't go back. So the next year, I went to a different dentist who said I ONLY (eye roll) had 6 cavities. And again, tried to upsell the deep cleaning and refused to do a basic cleaning or fill the cavities until after I had the deep-cleaning; telling me my buildup/bone loss wasn't bad, my gums looked great and they would probably do it once and I wouldn't need it again for a while and could go back to basic cleaning the next visit (again $700+ out of pocket plus fillings). I asked them if they could at least get the coffee stains from my bottom teeth and they reluctantly agreed but weren't happy about it. So I sat out dentist visits for about 4 years. During my first visit with Dr. Lacey, he and his assistant were made aware of my previous dental visits and took care to make me feel at ease. After full mouth xrays and a manual exam it was determined that I had ZERO cavities and assured me that a deep cleaning wasn't dire at all as my buildup was minimal and gums looked great but we'd keep an eye on it and if his opinion changed, we'd cross that bridge when we got there. And I was given a good cleaning, but not deep. I had my second yearly visit just today and I have a small cavity that I need to get filled within the next few weeks, but nothing dire. Again, gums look great and buildup was minimal and I was able to get a basic cleaning. I don't mind getting procedures if they are absolutely necessary, but the previous 2 dentists were trying to fear-monger me into treatments that were costly and not necessary in my opinion. And if they truly cared about me, they would have at least filled my "supposed" cavities :-(

    Rock Lozano Sr
    January 17, 2023

    This is an updated review, I have had some dental work done here and will be going here for quite some extensive dental work due to bone loss of my jaw. I'm hopeful that with all I'm spending on my dental work my smile will be worth it. *Due to extensive radiation for a past cancer treatment it's going to go slow. I'll post pics as I progress

    Liz Zlomke
    April 29, 2021

    This dental office doesn't have a diaper changing area. The office manager told me to change my daughter on the bathroom floor. GROSS! She was rude and said business's are not required to even offer bathrooms. Then suggested I change my daughter in my car. I suggested offering a diaper changing area as a courtesy. She showed no empathy. ***UPDATE*** A diaper changing was installed! We have since returned! We love our dentist and didn't want to lose him over a diaper changing table!

    Lacey Antholz Donner Dentists PC

    Our Address

    3445 O St, Lincoln, NE 68510, USA

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