Dr. Elizabeth A. Hill, DDS

1002 NW 8th Ave, Gainesville, FL 32601, USA

About Dr. Elizabeth A. Hill, DDS

1.4 / 5

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    Dreaming Bri
    June 07, 2018

    I had been going to this dentist my entire life (no choice of my own, parents insisted it was the only one we could go with our insurance). Each time was just as horrible as the last. My last visit, I went there at noon for them to put in a cap, didn't see the doctor for 3 or 4 hours. The nurse actually numbed me but the numbing wore off by the time the doctor got to me (the doctor then decided that I would need to be numbed again and left for another hour). I didn't leave the office until around 7. The cap ended up falling off a few weeks later. I called multiple times (during business hours) to set up an appointment for them to fix it, they never answered and my voice messages were never returned. That's only the most recent issue I've had with them. Other issues I've encountered: the nurse is mean and verbally abuses you. After she sits you in the chair for you to wait hours for the doctor, she expects you not to move a muscle. I once brought a book but had placed my bag on a chair right before getting into the dental chair. After waiting a few minutes, I got up to grab my book (note, the chair my bag was on was next to the chair I was in. I just needed to stand up, take a step, grab book, and go right back to my seat). This woman yelled at me, saying if I needed something to ask. I told her I just wanted to read my book and then seemed offended when I (a teenager) declined their old books/ magazines meant for pre-school kids and asked for my book that was inches from her. This same nurse I witnessed yell at some toddler (who was alone and scared because they will NOT let parents back there with them). It was probably his first ever dentist's appointment and he originally had a different, nicer nurse. Nice nurse was explaining the tools before using them so he would be less scared. Mean nurse ran over, forcefully pushed nice nurse out of the way, while ordering nice nurse not to baby the child. Then she held the boy down while she forcefully worked on his teeth (the boy was crying the entire time and she, of course, yelled at him repeatedly to stop crying). The one time I went in for the cap, nurse had done something and asked if it was in correctly. I said "I think" and she responded angrily "you should know. It's in your mouth. I need to know." Now, Dr. Hill, she's nice but dumb. She's the only doctor in the office and will over schedule so she is seeing like 6+ patients at the same time. They also will schedule during times Dr. Hill is out of the office (temporarily but still for hours). Also, they lie very often. When I lost my two front teeth, they started growing back with a gap. I requested braces and Dr. Hill told me and my mother the gap would close on its own. Every year I'd ask again about braces and Dr. Hill would repeat her story. Finally, when it was completely obvious the gap was not going to close, she admitted my insurance just wouldn't pay for the braces. (I am unsure if this is true. Even if it is, I still feel like she should have been truthful upfront.) They will also lie to parents to make it seem like the reason it's taking so long is because of the child. I've heard them say to parents visits were taking too long because their child was acting up, but I was back there a second before and saw no child acting up. She once told my parents we were taking too long because my brother got up to use the restroom. He was only gone two minutes when the nurse and doctor were not with him (I know, I was back there). They even worked on him after he left the restroom. I think the doctor just forgot about us. It took them an hour to tell us we were done and could go. I'm pretty sure that's because my mother was throwing a fit in the waiting room (I managed to secretly text her, even though electronics are not allowed in the back room as their equipment is old, to tell her we had already had our teeth cleaned hours ago and were just sitting there.) In conclusion (because I realize I am ranting and I so many stories), if you can avoid going here DO IT. I'd rather have my teeth rot then suffer this place again.

    Dee Jay
    July 30, 2016

    I would never return to this dentist. First, I don't appreciate the fact that parents are not allowed with their MINOR children. I've never heard of such a thing. Secondly, the way the assistants talk to you is downright unprofessional. They are verbally abusive and rude. Last but certainly not least, my appointment was at 2:00 and we didn't get outta there till a little after 6pm!!! Not acceptable!!! Don't bother coming here. Go somewhere else. Don't consider this place as a dental home.

    September 25, 2014

    The WORST experience ever. The first thing I want to discuss is the fact that they had dogs in the back. They do not allow the parents to go to the back, so as I was sitting in the waiting area, I heard dogs barking in the back. At first I though I was going crazy because I'm thinking, I know there is no way they have dogs in a dentist office. At one point I walked outside and saw a women out smoking and walking the dogs. I watched her as she walked the two dogs back into the back door. I am all for having a pet but not in a dentist office. The second issue I had was that my daughter's appointment was the first appointment of the day which was 12:30 pm for two sealants and a filling. When we arrived there were no other patients there. We did not leave the office until 4:00pm. I should have know better because when I took her and my son for cleanings our appointment was at 3 pm and we did not leave until after 7pm. After sitting there waiting from 12:30 to 4 pm I was told by the desk clerk she needed to come back to do the filling. I ask him what had they done all the time my daughter had been back there and he told me he did not know. That is when I lost it. I told them I would never come back and would find another dentist. Don't ever go to Dr. Elizabeth A. Hill, DDS!

    Jennifer Robinson
    September 05, 2016

    Never go to a dentist that will not allow you to either watch from a two way mirror or be allowed in the room with your child while they are receiving ANY care. My son told me a few years after the fact that this dentist was physically "mean" to him. He said he had tried to stay still when she told him to but that she would be so rough with him that she was the one moving his head. I had quit seeing this office because of the INSANE wait time EVEN with a scheduled appointment. Three hours wait and we had still not been seen. It is hard to find a pediatric dentist that will allow you to be in the room, we use the Levy county dental clinic in Bronson now. Even though my son is a teenager now, the doctor and nurses said they always allow the parents to be in the room. When we lived the Keys years ago, his dentist had a two way mirror you could watch from, I loved that dentist, he would talk with my son through the whole procedure to keep his mind off of what is scary to a kid. They also had a tv monitor that the kids could watch on the ceiling of a Disney movie or other cartoon. AGAIN, YOU SHOULD ALWAYS BE ALOUD TO BE PRESENT OR BE A WITNESS TO YOUR CHILD's treatment. If I could give a negative star rating I would.

    Shawn S.
    April 03, 2014

    Worst experience I can possibly imagine as a parent. The waiting room and bathroom are filthy, which makes me question the sanitary conditions of the exam rooms and instruments, things I wasn't allowed to see. A cleaning and two temporary fillings took more than two hours. In hindsight, I can't believe I allowed my kid to go back there, and if I could go back I would have left with her. The only reason I stayed was because all of the other dentists which took her insurance were booking two months in advance and this lady was booking for the next day. THERE IS A REASON FOR THAT!!! It's not worth it... if you care about you or your child's health at all do not go here.

    Dr. Elizabeth A. Hill, DDS

    Our Address

    1002 NW 8th Ave, Gainesville, FL 32601, USA

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